Terms and Conditions Thomas RECORDING GmbH (subsequently named TREC)

1.Offer and order acceptance
Your order is an offer to conclude a contract. A contract shall only be deemed concluded when the acceptance is issued by TREC in form of a written order confirmation. For the
contract of purchase the order confirmation shall prevail only. In addition to arrangements of any kind and any subsequent changes are valid if this is confirmed by TREC in writing only.

TREC’s prices are subject to change. The prices on the day of ordering are significant. Unfortunately, TREC has to reserve the right to increase prices. This is related to rising prices of raw
material and higher wages. Obvious price errors in quotations can be adjusted subsequently. All prices exclude VAT.

3.Minimum order value
The minimum order value is $ 200. If this value is not achieved the differential amount to the minimum order value will be charged.

4.Freight and packaging
All prices are calculated ex works Giessen. Goods are shipped best way possible or TREC uses a transport company that you request. TREC is very careful when packing your product.
Packaging may be returned. The customer is charged for freight and packaging.

5.Border taxes and duties
The customer is responsible for import taxes and customs duty

One third (1/3) of the total price [in US$ (US Dollar)] is due in advance after receipt the order confirmation. The remaining two-thirds (2/3) of the total price shall be payable without
deduction within thirty (30) days of receipt of goods. The payment is deemed the day on which the amount is available in an account of TREC. TREC only accepts bank wire transfer and
the following credit cards: Visa, Master Card, JCB for payment. In default of payment the consumer has to pay default charges five (5) percentage points above the base rate, the
contractor has to pay default charges eight (8) percentage points above the base rate. TREC reserves the right to prove a higher rate of damage and claim it.

7.Reservation of ownership
TREC is the owner of the delivered goods until defray TREC’s expenses and solve all liabilities including accessory claims. The purchaser has the permission to sell and process the goods
but not to mortgage them or use them for chattel mortgage.

8.Delivery time
TREC aims to provide in time of the dispatch deadline. Acts of nature which concern and prevent TREC discharge TREC from the contract performance until these acts of nature are over.
This is true for TREC’s supplier or a company which acts on TREC’s instructions from doing the processing of contracts. As far as these cases are substantial and are not TREC’s fault in
regard to select the supplier or distribution company the following cases are also acts of nature: industrial action and an adequately supply of raw-, auxiliary- and operating materials.
Insofar as TREC comes to know that the customer’s solvency or the payment claim of TREC is at risk TREC is allowed to refuse TREC’s delivery commitment until the total obligation
(payment of total price) is fulfilled or a proper security for this is furnished.

9.Liability and indemnity
TREC is liable for damages caused by slight negligence, if this slight negligence concerns the breach of contractual obligations which are critical for the fulfillment of the purpose of the
contract. TREC is liable only if the damages are typically associated with the contract and foreseeable. For slight negligent violation of non-fundamental obligations TREC is not liable.
Any further liability is excluded regardless of the legal nature of the asserted claim. If the liability is excluded or limited, this also applies to the personal liability of employees,
representatives and vicarious agents of TREC.

10.Freight damage
TREC is not liable for incurred damage during the shipment. With the handover to the carrier, the risk passes to the buyer.

11.Mistake in shipment
Send TREC a message immediately. The supply must be reviewed immediately on receipt. The customer has to check the intactness, completeness, identity and the quality of the
delivery. Falsities from TREC will be adjusted within ten (10) days after receiving the goods as far as possible. The goods have to be returned in their original, former condition, this
includes proper and equivalent packaging. In this way damage can be avoided through the shipping.

12.Right of rescission
The consumer has the possibility to cancel the purchase within 2 (two) weeks without previous notice. The right of order cancellation for the delivery of goods is excluded, if the goods
are made to customer specification. The recall can be occurred in text format (letter, fax, email, etc.) or if the goods should sent to the customer before the deadline is over you can
cancel by sending the goods back to TREC. The recall is to address to:
Winchester Strasse 8
35594 Giessen
or telefax message: +49(0)6419441414
or e-mail: info@ThomasRECORDING.com
If the customer is not a consumer and is the contract a trade business as well for the customer it obtains the obligation to exercise diligence of a prudent businessman. The goods must
be reviewed immediately on receipt. Obvious defects have to be reported to TREC. If this does not happen the goods are approved.
In case of an effective recall the efficiency is to give back on both sides. If the customer cannot send TREC the received efficiency in whole or in part or in a worse state she or he has to
achieve compensation. This does not apply the damage which results from testing the goods – just like it would have been possible for the customer to do this in the laboratory of TREC.
The customer can prevent the compensation if she or he does not use the goods as her or his property and omits anything that reduces the value of the goods.
The packet freight has to be sent back at the liability of TREC. The customer has to pay the costs of the return shipment if the payment or an agreed partial payment has not been
transferred yet. Otherwise the return shipment is free. Obligations for refunding the payments must be fulfilled within thirty (30) days. The customer’s deadline starts with sending the
goods back to TREC, TREC’s deadline starts with the reception of the goods.
Under legal order there is no cancellation right concerning supplies of computer software in closed packages with an unbroken seal when the seal is broken. This extends to supplies of
custom-made-products or which are customized on personal requirements or which are not proper for a return shipment.

13.Manufacturer’s warranty and product liability
TREC guarantees that the supplied goods are free of defects in material and manufacture for a period of six (6) months commencing at time of date of dispatch. TREC will repair or
replace any supplied product that does not fulfill the guarantee. The guarantee is repealed by doing the following things: (1) Any modification or tried modification of the product, which
is not carried out by authorized employees of TREC; (2) any misuse, any negligent handling or wrongly use of the product. This is the only guarantee which is given by TREC. There are no
more formulated or implicit guarantees which range beyond the guarantee given above or which are adaptable on other persons then the primal purchaser. This includes the implicit
assurance for a certain purpose. There is no case TREC is liable for incidental or consequential damage or for damage of patent law or for the rights of a third party based on using our
products. The manufacturer’s warranty does not influence the claims on legal warranty of the customer.

14.Usage rights of software
If software is (also) an item of the delivery transaction the customer purchases in point of the dedicated software a non exclusive, spatial and a boundless easement for using the
software on one appliance. It is allowed to make a copy of the software on conditions of using it for a backup only. This does not apply if a backup is contained in the delivery. If the
customer changes the hardware she or he has to delete the software from the old hardware. The customer is allowed to sell the software or give it away to a third party if these accept
the enduring application of these usage rights of software. In case of passing on the software to a third party the customer is committed to delete the software on the used hardware.
Any copies and backups have to be given to the third party or have to be destroyed.

15.Contractual use of the product
The offered products are not provided for applications on humans and they are not medical devices in terms of the Council Directive 93/42EWG/CEE/EEC. The products are assigned
exclusively for the research on animals!

16.Invalidity of terms
Should individual terms of the contract included in these terms and conditions be void in whole or in part the validity of the rest of the terms stays intact. The void term in whole or in
part should get replaced with a rule which is very close in point of economical success of the void one.

17.Place of jurisdiction
All disputes related to the purchase agreement are subject of the German Law. The exclusive jurisdiction applies Giessen, Federal Republic of Germany.

Giessen, September 12th, 2011