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Neuro. Prod. > Accessories > Amplifiers > Chron. Rec. Dev. > Data Acquis. Sys. > Eye Track. Sys. > Microdrives > Microelectrodes > Microinject. Sys.> Optogenet. Prod. > Prim. Train. Sys. > Screws > Software > Stereotaxic Instr. > Cell&Tissue Med. > Rodent Products Medical Products Electrochemical Products

Fiber Melting Unit

Neuroscience Products > Accessories > Amplifiers > Data Acquisition Systems > Eye Tracking Systems > Microdrives > Microelectrodes > Microinjection Systems> Optogenetic Products > Primate Training Systems > Screws > Software > Stereotaxic Instruments > Rodent Products Electrochemical Products

Fiber Melting Unit

Beside the tip treatment of Thomas quartz glass insulated platinum tungsten electrode fibers it is required to connect the electrode fiber electrically to a connection cable or connector. For making an electrical connection it is required to remove the glass insulation from the microelectrode fiber end. The insulation or cladding of our world-renowned TREC microelectrode fibers with single or multiple metal cores consist of quartz glass (fused silica). This can be stripped off in two ways: Dipping the fiber end in concentrated hydroflorid acid for app. 15-20 minutes which removes the glass completely but is very dangerous. An alternative method is using the Thomas fiber melting unit which removes the glass within seconds and is relatively safe compared to the HF technique.  

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