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Neuro. Prod. > Accessories > Amplifiers > Chron. Rec. Dev. > Data Acquis. Sys. > Eye Track. Sys. > Microdrives > Microelectrodes > Microinject. Sys.> Optogenet. Prod. > Prim. Train. Sys. > Screws > Software > Stereotaxic Instr. > Cell&Tissue Med. > Rodent Products Medical Products Electrochemical Products

Ceramic Screw – SI BRAIN PORT

MRI- and bio-compatible miniature brain port

Neuroscience Products > Accessories > Amplifiers > Data Acquisition Systems > Eye Tracking Systems > Microdrives > Microelectrodes > Microinjection Systems> Optogenetic Products > Primate Training Systems > Screws > Software > Stereotaxic Instruments > Rodent Products Electrochemical Products

Ceramic Screw – SI BRAIN PORT

MRI- and bio-compatible miniature brain port

For MRI applications care must be taken to limit the amount of magnetically susceptible metal inside the MRI scanner. The TREC “SI BRAIN PORT” uses a ceramic screw type SI with a center hole for easy access to the brain, the use of ceramic material limits the distortion caused to the MRI scan.

Key features:
  • Port to the brain via center hole
  • Easy to implant
  • MRI-compatible
  • Material: ceramic
  • No dura scraping required
  • Reduced risk for infection
  • Bild 1


Ceramic screw with a center hole, working as an easy to use brain port. You can use the screw as a port for easy access to the brain for chronic or acute neurophysiological applications. One or several screws can be used. 3 step implantation process is very easy. Use our special designed ceramic screw tools andto:

  1. Drill a hole into the skull
  2. Cut a thread into the bone
  3. Screw the ceramic screw in

Port is immediately ready for use for:

  • Insert a Microdrive guide tube through the hole to make acute cortical or deep brain recordings
  • Insert a microelectrode through the hole and fix the electrode to the screw for chronic recordings
  • Insert an injection cannula trough the hole to inject a drug
  • Insert an optical fiber through the hole to stimulate neurons with light
  • Insert an electrical stimulation electrode through the hole for electrical stimulation


The screw is a port to the brain that has many advantages:

  • It is easy and fast to implant without craniotomy
  • It does not require regular dura scraping as it is for implantable recording chambers
  • It reduces the risk of infection in comparison to large craniotomies. Use several single screws with a hole to cover a larger brain area.
  • The port to the brain allows to use different neurophysiological techniques. (e.g. Thomas MEM drive, etc)
  • Place the screw exactly above the brain target based on MRI or CT scans by using 3D-neuronavigation system (available from our company)

High reproducibility of lateral recording/stimulation position


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