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Neuro. Prod. > Accessories > Amplifiers > Chron. Rec. Dev. > Data Acquis. Sys. > Eye Track. Sys. > Microdrives > Microelectrodes > Microinject. Sys.> Optogenet. Prod. > Prim. Train. Sys. > Screws > Software > Stereotaxic Instr. > Cell&Tissue Med. > Rodent Products Medical Products Electrochemical Products

TOM Freely Moving Monkey

Eye Tracking for freely behaving NHPs

Neuroscience Products > Accessories > Amplifiers > Data Acquisition Systems > Eye Tracking Systems > Microdrives > Microelectrodes > Microinjection Systems> Optogenetic Products > Primate Training Systems > Screws > Software > Stereotaxic Instruments > Rodent Products Electrochemical Products

TOM Freely Moving Monkey

Eye Tracking for freely behaving NHPs

The TOM – Freely Moving Monkey (TOM – FMM) system is a modular, fully-integrated device for the non-invasive measurement of behavior, pose and eye movements in freely behaving and moving non-human primates. The non-invasive, contact-free measurement principle requires no special accustoming from the animal and allows an easy combination with other neuroscientific techniques like telemetric electrophysiological recordings. Due to its modularity, it is ideally suited for basic behavioral or oculomotor research in non-human primates.

  • TOM FMM Webseite Bild1
    TOM FMM Webseite Bild1

All systems consist of a fully equipped, high-quality and transparent cage for the temporary housing of the animal during the experiment and up to five high performance video cameras connected to a data recording system for time synchronized recordings for later offline analysis. The optional second module will soon be available and will automatically compute the animals position and pose online and provide this data via LAN or analog output for easy synchronization with other devices. The third module is currently in development and will upgrade the TOM – FMM to record the full 3-D gaze direction of the freely moving animal. This feature easily opens a rather unexplored research field, e.g. for the identification of neural correlates of oculomotor functions.

Key features:

Module 1: Behavioral Recording Setup

  • Rugged primate cage with transparent walls (1.5×0.9×1.3)m
  • Up to 5 high resolution and high speed video cameras with wide-angle lenses
  • High speed computer system with Microsoft Windows operating system for time synchronized video recording

Module 2: Behavioral Analysis Setup (soon)

  • Online body position & pose measurement (output via LAN or analog signal)

Module 3: Eye Tracking Setup (soon)

  • 4 Integrated high intensity infrared illumination units (940nm)
  • Thomas eye tracking software with face recognition and detection of eye movement parameters from a freely moving non-human primate

Easily upgrade your Setup with additional features at any time!

Technical Data
Downloads & Publications

Technical Data

Cage dimensions1.5 x 0.9 x 1.3 m (other sizes on request)
Number of video cameras5 (4 x side, 1 x top)
Adjustable Frame rateUp to 410Hz
Number of infrared illumination units 4
Infrared illumination 940nm

Ordering Information

Qty.Article numberDescription



TOM fmm – Recording (incl. cage)


(coming soon)

TOM fmm – Online Pose Analysis


(coming soon)

TOM fmm – Eye Tracking



Thomas InCage Training System (ICTS) including reward unit



ICTS Adapter Plate for TOM FMM primate cage

Questions? Please don’t hesitate contacting us!

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